December 5

2 Samuel 7:12-13, “When your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.”

The prophet Nathan is speaking to King David here, promising him that his offspring will build a temple for the Lord. This is Solomon that’s being referred to, the son of David. Solomon would accomplish the building of the temple, but even more importantly, there is a promise here from the Lord that the throne of this line will be established forever. David is a king, and one who is a king like David will be a king forever! This prophecy is repeated frequently throughout the psalms of David. When Jesus would come, he would be a king of God’s people, but not one who whose reign would end at the death of the individual, as is the normal course of human history.

There were two blind men who wanted to be healed in Matthew 9, and the first thing they say to Jesus is “Have mercy on us, Son of David.” This is a direct acknowledgment of this prophecy fulfilled, and is a common title for Jesus - he is that king who lives forever who comes from the line of David. At the start of Matthew’s gospel, prefacing the genealogy of Jesus, it announces Jesus as the “Son of David.” Solomon also would build the house for the presence of the Lord to dwell, and Jesus comes announcing that he is the presence of God on earth, so the temple is no longer necessary! David and his son Solomon said effectively, “Come, God, to be with your people. Come into your temple.” The temple from that line of David did come, and then when he ascended into Heaven he promised his spirit would be with us always - the presence of God is always with you, believer, because any chasm between believers and God has been erased by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross!

Hymn of Reflection: Lo How a Rose E'r Blooming. Here’s a Link: