Nurturing our faith is key to discerning how God, through the Holy Spirit, would like for us to be and act in this world. At Safe Harbor, we invite women of all ages to connect and join in fellowship and worship. We offer small, weekly Bible studies at different times of the day to fit every schedule. Whether you are young, old, single, or married, we cherish spending time together and invite you to come and see how we find meaning and purpose in Jesus.

Weekly Bible Studies

Our bible studies are designed to help us understand God's word and to apply biblical principles to the challenges of everyday life and pray for one another. Childcare is provided for most classes. Please contact the church office if you are interested in either study - and mention if you are seeking childcare.

Monday EVENING, 6:00pm

We meet at church and together discuss a book. Please contact Carla Thomas, 443-286-3610, if you have questions.

Wednesday Morning, 9:30 to 11:00am

We meet at church to discuss books of the Bible. Most recently we read the books of Genesis and Mark, both in the Life Changes series.

Teachers are Dottie Gilman and Teresa Overmier. Childcare is available if needed.

Friday morninG, 9:30am to 11:00am

We meet at church to dive deeper into a Bible story. Most recently we studied Psalms and read the book, “As For Me,” by Adrienne Camp. “From songs of praise to cries of lament and everything in-between, the book of Psalms captures the wide range of emotions of life.”

For more information, please contact Brooks Davidson. Childcare is available.

For more information about leaders and books - and how soon the meetings will resume, please contact the Church Office, 410-604-1700.

Salt & Light is an evening women’s fellowship group that meets the second Thursday of most months, at 7:00pm. It is a small gathering of women, teenagers, and young adults who gather for fellowship, a testimony and worship. Come out for a time of sweet fellowship the second Thursday of every month! Contact the church office for information on the next gathering.