Making Connections at Safe Harbor

We are glad that you have found Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church. 

If you are a visitor of our church or are considering attending one of our services, here are a few quick notes you may find of interest. 

Who We Are

We are a church that glorifies God in worship and prayer as we nurture and equip our church family in love and reach outward in compassion and faith to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others, providing a safe harbor for all. Safe Harbor is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA).

What We Believe

We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who through His perfect life and sacrificial death atoned for the sins of all who will trust in Him, alone, for salvation. 

For more information, got to the PCA Statement of Beliefs

Making Connections

Safe Harbor has many ministries and methods believers in Christ can serve the church, the community and ultimately the Lord. We have been called to do good works - whether by participating in short term foreign missions work, helping at the New Haven Homeless Shelter during the winter months, providing meals during the Holidays for local families in need or helping to maintain the church building and grounds. The opportunities are truly many. 

You can learn more of a few of these opportunities to make a connection by visiting our Ministries or Life Groups

You may need to know how to find us. You can learn about our contact information, address, service times and direction by visiting our Find Us page.

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